
December 2nd – Out with Brothers getting dinner


Half a black Grouper after a shark took the other half 😦

BJ with his AJ

BJ with the AJ he caught (Amber Jack) u




Catching Barracuda

Out on the boat today with a few brothers fishing. Here is a Barracuda that was caught on a lure and a photo of the stunning sea colour.




More Fish

Here is the catch for today- 5 Mutton Snappers. A first for me was catching an octopus with a fishing rod. I have also included a  photo of the sunset while fishing.




Cubera Snapper , Black Grouper and shark.

Two of the best eating fish caught last night off a boat in the channel near the reef. A brother on the boat reeled in a 6-7′ Nurse Shark , which was immediately released when we brought him up next to the boat.

Also landed a Bermuda Chub about 5lb but was told they are horrible eating fish so no pic as it went straight back.

Cabrara snapper



Small Polometa… ( They are too small too keep …. between them and the eels are a real nuisance as they keep hijacking the bait)


Out with the brothers on their fishing boat yesterday and this was the catch of the day.. a ~40lb Grouper shot spear fishing which is only allowed in Belize if you freedive… 



Notice the rays around the legs while cleaning the catch of the day….



First Tuna….


Reef fishing off a boat.

The past few days I have had a opportunity to join a brother and his young son on a couple of boat fishing trips. Absolutely amazing and a tremendous amount of fun although a bit frustrating as on 3 occasions we managed to hook VERY large fish off live bait , but for different reasons just could not land them  – Yes I know, you saying a fisherman’s tale 🙂 . Hopefully soon I will have the evidence.  Last night out on the boat we caught a number of snapper (~20)  in one of the reef channels (Red and Black) and grunt , until the swells started getting the better of me and we had to return……..

Fishing on the south point of the island …While fishing its a great spot to see pelicans diving for fish and eagle rays jumping out of the water….


Some new varieties . After asking around this is a Ladyfish.



Black dot snapper. Super aggressive when they take the lure.


Dec 3rd First Spanish Mackerel…..

Caught from the shore on a small spinner. This one was just to small to keep…..



Dinner for a few nights….

Last nights catch of Red Snapper from the beach. I also returned 3 very feisty eels and a very strange looking sea snail called a sea hare (according to google) . It emits huge amounts of purple dye which is not toxic to humans although it temporarily stains you skin but sometimes deadly to dogs …



The view while fishing …..

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Tues 25 Nov – Bonefish.

Later this  afternoon we went further south on the island and I attempted some spin fishing from the shore. On the first cast I hooked a large tarpin. It was impressive to see it jumping out the sea..I estimate it was probably around 15lb (They get up to 150 lb). Unfortunately it got away ….and that’s my story and I’m sticking to it :-).   As a consolation I did catch a small bonefish and I have 3 reliable witnesses 🙂 this time.


Sunday 23 Nov — 

Freshly caught Red Snapper for dinner tonight.  Caught from the pier near our accommodation .



My Fishing rules in Belize …Actually a wall hanging in our apartment 🙂





6 thoughts on “Fishing

  1. Caught from the pier,……but who caught it?? I know you’d struggle to tell us if it was one of the girls Aussie 😃. Your trip looks fantastic, keep the updates coming and I hope the fishing of fish is as good as the fishing of men!!


  2. Daddy says he also wants to be there, fresh fish especially Mackerel sounds delicious. So glad you are having a good time and are keeping safe, he was worried about that. Lots of love…Daddy, Aunty Cathy and me.


  3. Glad to see you are not starving, was worried poor Bronwyn would lose weight waiting four the fish to arrive. You don’t have to be vegetarian now


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